Sugar and Spice

Is this what little girls are made of? I certainly try to be a sweet person. I smile, hold doors and say "Thank you" often. I do nice things for friends unexpectedly and try my best to follow the Golden Rule. I strive to be a good person...and for the most part, feel that I am but I am not afraid to THROW DOWN!

I got into a fight in a Shopping Mall Parking lot. A woman jumped me and in turn I took self defense very seriously. It was over a parking spot of all things! I bet she was even more upset over that piece of pavement when it was imbedded in her face. Poor Girl.

In first grade I told a girl that I had a fist and I knew how to use it. She punched me right after I said that. Ouch.

When I was 9 a 14 year old boy was picking on me. He threw a snowball at my brand new Genuine Leather Bomber Jacket that I had just gotten of Lay-a-way from Wal-mart. With a little help, he got an up-close look at the shiny bumper of a 1989 pick up truck. His nose never looked quite the same.

Never start a fight…but don’t be afraid to finish one. Even if you are in a skirt.

1 comment:

Screwylewy said...

You sound like your father...