It’s okay to hurt.

It is totally okay to hurt. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to take off your super woman cape behind closed doors and let the mary kay mascara run down your cheeks. It’s okay. Life is tough and simply grinning and bearing it only lasts so long. It’s totally acceptable to have the outside world look at you as a pillar of strength when you feel like a pile of stones. It’s okay to ask questions. And, you can in fact be happy and sad all at the same time. You can be so excited about what is to come and absolutely terrified that it might not happen. You can hold on to something horrible so tightly that you don’t open your hands to something better. You can hurt yourself by being fearful that others will do the same. You can help others who are going through their own personal trials. You can try to explain your feelings, but no one will ever understand completely. And thats okay too.

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