Gangster Grandma

Has anyone seen the show The Singing Office? My coworkers and I would give the contestants a run for their money! We often break into song for no apparent reason and today was no different than any other. Our lyric library consists of television show themes, gospel hymns, rap, hip hop, country and my favorite…commercial jingles.

As we sang and danced our way through another hour at work, we took a little trip down memory lane. During the conversation someone brought up what our Grandchildren would think of this generation and our choice in music. I guess I never thought of that…

Imagine dialing in the Oldies Station in the year 2068 only to hear; “From the Windowwwwwww….To the Wall!”

I think this conversation might take place.

Grandchild: “Grandma, what does “Skeet, Skeet, Skeet” mean?”

Grandmother: “I don’t know honey; it was just something they sang back then.”

Grandchild: “Grandma, what was in your milkshake that made all the boys come to your yard?”

Imagine a going to your 50 year class reunion and doing the “Superman” with your classmates. Then, after sharing photos of your grandchildren you make your way to the dance floor for the one and only…“Cha-Cha-Slide.”

The following is an excerpt from a funeral that will take place 40 years from now:

As we prepare to celebrate the life of our sweet mother/grandmother, let us honor her with a song from her youth.

… “Apple bottom Jeans, boots with the fur…the whole club was looking at her…she hit the flow’…next thing you know…grandma got low low low low low low low low!”


Bo Jaques said...

Lick Lick Lick Lick Lick it like a lollypop!

Anonymous said...

Pretty much the funniest thing I have EVER read in my entire life... GENIUS!!!!!!